Thank you for attending the 2022 Annual Conference!
Pictures from the conference can be found here.
Fortify Your Quality Improvement Toolkit
Tools from the 2022 Annual Conference
- IHI- Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit
- Making Healthcare Safe- The Story of the Patient Safety Movement
- IHI- Improving Health Equity: Guidance for Healthcare Organizations
- Utah Health Information Network
- The Anatomy of a Process in 9 Boxes- an Example from DNV
- Don’t Get Lost in Translation: Expert Advice for Caring for Patients of Refugee Background
- Implementing High Quality Primary Care Through A Health Equity Lens- Annals of Family Medicine March/ April 2022
Slide Presentations
- Why are we Not Safer- Frank Federico and Mouna Bahsoun
- More for Less- Primary Care and the Quality Equation by Sarah Woolsey
- Regulatory Readiness: A Panel Discussion with TJC, DNV, and CMS
- Risk Management- A Systemic Approach to Safety- Lara Al-Qadi
- Who is responsible for data quality- Jackie Kokx and Justin Schafer